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unisex (or female only) iron man suit?


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l have a idea for making each avenger in skyrim,and for some of them i dont need much,but for iron man (or iron woman) l would need something more (that l cant make myself) so here l am,asking you amazing modders of the nexus for help.


What l want is a heavy armour that has good stats (glass or higher) and looks like a iron man suit. This mod is kinda what l want,in terms of base idea (especially the chest),but something more form fitting,red and gold and can be worn by both males and females (especially females) (unp is my body mod if that matters)


if a unique model is not possible,a retexture of This mods female dwarven armour would be great . (l have contacted the mod maker for permission,and am awaiting a response. Edit:l have gotten it. see below)

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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