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I just recently purchased a computer upgrade from an Athlon 2600 pro to a Athlon 64 bit processor. In the process, I had to get a new motherboard to support this great advancement. I already knew that hard drives encode themselves to match a certain motherboard. Here is the problem. I am a big modder... thanks to my friend __. Well I don't want to lose all of my mods and other stuff that is irreplacable: varies drivers, programs from lanwars, and other stuff I can't find the install programs for, ect. Is there ANY way I can transfer the hard drive to work for the new motherboard so I can keep all of my... everthing?!?! Thanks ;)
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I am assuming that you are using Windows XP. If that is the case, try booting with the drive as it is... If you get a stop error you get a stop error. If that fails, try installing the OS on your new drive with your old drive in the system (set as a slave or something) and try to copy the mod files that way. Mod files typically do not make any changes to the system registry, so give it a shot. It is mostly the registry that will give you problems (not to mention the infinite number of shared DLL files) if you just try to drag and drop entire programs.
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I don't have another hard drive... I have ONE 120GB hard drive and I just want move it over to a new motherboard. Is there anyway to do that?
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You can always try the iffy fix of installing Windows on top of Windows... But that often has disastrous results (programs not working, constant crashes, etc.). If I were you, I’d try to dump the data on to another drive or on to a friend’s computer install Windows, then sort through what you need.
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