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Don't walk around with too much money


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I feel like getting rich is too easy in the Elder Scrolls games. And since gold is weightless, and it should be, you really have no incentive but to keep it all on your character. And if some guy is walking around town with enough gold to buy the whole town, he surely must be targeted by some people.


What if there were thugs and pickpockets in towns or wandering around the roads? If you carry too much gold, it's sure to make some ruckus in your pockets. And those people have nothing to lose, they probably'd be struggling, so what's it to them pickpocketing some rich guy or fighting him for the chance to fix their life.

Ideally, they probably have experience, so they should be a challenge to defeat for an ordinary fella, but if you're strong enough to not fear fights, a good way to keep your skills sharp. They don't have almost anything though, so really you have no incentive to become their target unless you enjoy scuffles.


Maybe some NPCs like general shops could serve as a bank, keep your money safe for a fee, as long as your gold is with them, you won't get targeted, but if you withdraw it to go buy the latest expensive helmet you should know that you might get yourself in trouble.


Ideally, followers should also have the same script working for them to avoid people from being lazy and just storing gold in their inventories. But I don't think it's worth it to code that in, if someone likes the idea, it's on him to play it clean.


And that's it, I was really in the mood to ramble and after watching Samurai Champloo I noticed how dynamic the story is kept by random outlaws creating challenges for the main characters. I just thought that it would really suit the Elder Scrolls games.


Thank you to all the modders, your hard work is what keeps me playing these games, and probably what keeps them alive after so many years. Thanks to listening to my rambles.

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