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NVSE won't load JIP LN


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So I got a new computer (Windows 10) and installed new vegas, after playing around a bit I decided to install NVSE and JIP LN because I knew I was gonna need it later except NVSE refuses to load it. I JUST downloaded both so I know they.re up-to-date and im using the GOG version recently downloaded so it's up-to-date too.


All the NVSE.log says is

NVSE runtime: initialize (version = 5.1.4 040020D0 01D608A8A78F203A)
imagebase = 00400000
fallout root = D:\New Vegas\
config path = D:\New Vegas\Data\NVSE\nvse_config.ini
plugin directory = D:\New Vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\
checking plugin D:\New Vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\jip_nvse.dll
couldn't load plugin D:\New Vegas\Data\NVSE\Plugins\\jip_nvse.dll
max id = 0000161F
console commands
script commands
init complete

I don't like asking for help especially when it's something that normally is easy to use, but I've never had this problem before and I've been trying to fix it for days over the course of multiple reinstalls that did nothing.


EDIT: Looking in the threads for JIP I saw someone saying versions over 55.10 don't work on Windows10 (strange cause my old

computer was win10 and running a newer one) so I decided to downgrade and sure enough it started working. The problem with this is if a mod REQUIRES the latest JIP, but I guess it'll do for now.


EDIT2: This can be locked or whatever, I fixed it by making sure I had ALL the vcredists installed, one must've been missing.

Edited by pr0t0inc
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