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Damn you, Bethesda. Why would you do this?


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Why is this worth being angry about?


It isn't. Anybody who ever gets angry about a video game is doing life wrong.


Using this logic, anyone who feels any emotion at all over some bit of art or entertainment is doing life wrong, and that, is well, wrong.


A lot of us have been fans of TES since the beginning. We have every right to have an emotional investment in the games, and just as much to right to get angry if the games start taking a turn that we do not approve of. Or if a particular DLC is put out that seemingly promised the spectacular (and with no confirmation from Beth on absolutely anything at all, we either had to expect little to nothing, which is reasonable, or hope for the best, which is also reasonable) in features but then delivered the half-assed that may as well not be there.


(And do note that, for PC players at least, new items or quests are a moot point. We have mods for stuff like that if we get the need for it. Its actual gameplay features that really matter on the PC. New weapon types, mount abilities, etc etc)


As for Dragon riding, I don't care, the idea has never appealed to me at all anyway and I doubt I'll be doing it much, if at all, unless I have to.


This excuse really bothers me. Namely because if it doesn't matter to you you shouldn't ruin it for others that it does matter to. No one would be mad if spell making or spears or whatever else were in the game already, but gods forbid they add them in after the fact.

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Why can't all these stupid DLCs just be like, let's say, an add-on to Gothic 2, i. e. The Night of the Raven? Anyone still remember that? It was like a thousands of what we now call DLC in just one add-on - entirely new world, new weapons and armor, new spells, new quests with new characters (and some old characters, too)...I mean, some DLCs are still great, but I have a feeling that those old expansion packs were just...better somehow.
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Why can't all these stupid DLCs just be like, let's say, an add-on to Gothic 2, i. e. The Night of the Raven? Anyone still remember that? It was like a thousands of what we now call DLC in just one add-on - entirely new world, new weapons and armor, new spells, new quests with new characters (and some old characters, too)...I mean, some DLCs are still great, but I have a feeling that those old expansion packs were just...better somehow.



What, you mean sell something WORTH buying?


Seriously though. Gaming companies are milkin' the consumer, because the consumer will buy whatever they punt out.


Expansion packs used to be, like, £5 a pop, and you'd get around ten more hours worth oot o' yer games. Now? DLC costs £20 a pop. Lucky to get two hours more.

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I'm not saying Dragon Riding shouldn't be there, I'm saying that I personally don't care. It's a subjective statement of my own opinion, not an excuse. I personally think Dragon riding is out of place, so I doubt I'll be doing it much if at all, if someone else loves it then that's great, more power to them.


But really, what did you expect from it? The game isn't built in a way that supports completely free Dragon riding. Try any mod that lets you fly or just turn on no-clip mode in the console, you will plainly see that Skyrim never intended for you to be able to fly freely around the place, that's why Levitation was taken out in Oblivion, it's why it's still not in Skyrim.


Would I have liked to see spears? Yeah, but if Bethesda don't feel like they can do it well enough, they are right to leave them out. They managed to pull of Crossbows and included them in Dawnguard, that tells me that Bethesda cares about what their playerbase wants, it tells me that they want to give us spears, but for some reason feel like it's not the right time. I am reasonably sure Dragonborn won't be the last DLC, so spears are still a possibility in the future.


On the subject of emotional investment, I agree, even if I may not have come across like it. TES has meant a lot to me ever since I first played Morrowind. That game literally changed my life, it's the game that made me embrace games as my primary hobby, for better or worse Morrowind made me who I am today. Of course I have an emotional attachment to that game because of that, even if I don't always agree with the design philosophy or artistic direction of the games, I still love them and I doubt that will ever change. I wouldn't have played Skyrim for more than 1000 hours if I wasn't invested in it.


Does that mean I should get angry when spears aren't included? No. Bethesda will add spears when they feel the time is right or they can do it well enough, they're not keeping them from us out of spite. The ending to Mass Effect 3 was worth getting angry at, not this.


On the whole, what I've heard about Dragonborn so far via Reddit, the official forums and these forums has been overwhelmingly positive. I can't wait to get my hands on it and see for myself.


What, you mean sell something WORTH buying?


Seriously though. Gaming companies are milkin' the consumer, because the consumer will buy whatever they punt out.


Expansion packs used to be, like, £5 a pop, and you'd get around ten more hours worth oot o' yer games. Now? DLC costs £20 a pop. Lucky to get two hours more.

I've easily gotten at least 20 hours out of Dawnguard, and I've only completed it once, as a vampire hunter. Overall I'd say Bethesda has been fairly good at the whole DLC thing recently.

Edited by UrgeNexus
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I'm not saying Dragon Riding shouldn't be there, I'm saying that I personally don't care. It's a subjective statement of my own opinion, not an excuse. I personally think Dragon riding is out of place, so I doubt I'll be doing it much if at all, if someone else loves it then that's great, more power to them.


Yes, but the sentiment still can reach the ears of the Dev's. And enough people say they don't care, they aren't exactly going to put the effort they could into it.


And as for free-roam Dragon riding, the cell-loading issue really is a non-issue. There was a mod for Oblivion that let you ride around on a dragon (that sadly seems to have been taken down. Shame really) and there was nothing wrong at all with the cell loading. Yes it was staggered and not exactly clean-cut, but it worked and honestly one can suspend their disbelief with that. I know I can ignore less than perfect cell loading and the like because riding a dragon anywhere i want is freaking awesome enough that I can ignore it. And WITH Skyrim's dragons? Mother of god, that would be amazing, crappy cell loading or not.


And as for levitation. Someone clearly dropped the ball with that one. Just make it so when you levitate over a city wall from the outside that you instantly get transferred to the inside and every real issue with levitation is solved (The only other issue is due to lazy level design, not anything to do with levitation itself). The ability IS in the game (Look at how you can just walk towards a cave entrance and instantly get transferred inside. The same idea can be used over cities) and AFAIK it could have been done back then as well.


so spears are still a possibility in the future.


Indeed, and that is why I personally don't mind that spears aren't actually in DB. What I have a real problem with regarding DB was just the complete and total lack of any information coming out of Beth on the DLC's features. I wouldn't have raised a single peep on the subject if Beth would have just came out and said "Playable spears aren't in. They aren't ready yet". But they didn't, so any backlash they get on that is their own faults.

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Indeed, and that is why I personally don't mind that spears aren't actually in DB. What I have a real problem with regarding DB was just the complete and total lack of any information coming out of Beth on the DLC's features. I wouldn't have raised a single peep on the subject if Beth would have just came out and said "Playable spears aren't in. They aren't ready yet". But they didn't, so any backlash they get on that is their own faults.


Not to mention that they didn't told us up to the very last moment that PC users would again be neglected, to put it mildly...I guess we could have expected that, but still.


I don't exactly know why, but I have a feeling that Dragonborn is a half-product somehow, although I haven't played it yet, so maybe I'm just biased and a bit irritated. They give us that fancy Dragon flying, yet we practically can't control the Dragon per se; now that thing with the spears. I hope that at least Solstheim and all that story aroud Miraak will be good.

Edited by Inquart
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Yeah played a few minutes and watched some more, DB like all of skyrim will do better as soon as the PC modders get a hold of it, so we can fix the damn thing.


Didnt see a lot of new stuff that doesnt have a mod parallel but hey, dragon riding, solstiem, those neat black book things, and everything else should keep the modders busy... at least until that mmo junk comes out and someone hacks up that server garbage so we can mod again.

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Why do people care so much about bloody spears? They aren't interesting. They aren't powerful, or good looking or unique. They're just sticks with metal on the end. Getting all up in arms over the fact that spears used by miniature people are only big enough to use as arrows (which makes perfect sense and if they'd made it so we could use the spears would be weird) is just stupid. This isn't Morrowind, let it go. Spears are not important.
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