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Honour the Night Mother


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Honour the Night Mother


I love the Dark Brotherhood from vanilla, and I love the mod ideas that have been uploaded on the nexus (namely Dark Brotherhood Sanctuaries). BUT! I still wasn't feeling the menace and the evil that is supposed to be inherent in the Brotherhood.

So I set about making my own mod - Honour the Night Mother.


To date, the mod consists of:

- Small Anvil Sanctuary

- Large Bravil Sanctuary with underwater entrance from outside the walls

- A weapon along the theme of a 'Rose of Sithis' but with a one shot kill (but one use) bow called Executor


Some ideas I want to take the mod further:

- A small quest dialogue surrounding the bow with actual continuing quest line for the execution of high level targets (like the lucky old lady but with actual killing involved)

- Fully functional NPCs in the sanctuaries with back stories like the ones in the Cheydinhal sanctuary.


I need some help with ideas and implementation etc so people's thoughts and help would be greatly appreciated.

I am relatively inexperienced with the CS but I've managed to produce a mod that I'm happy with (I am a harsh judge of most mods) but there is still work (like the NPCs) that I'm sure someone more experienced would do a much better job of.




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