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007seth - BANNED

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007seth banned.





Offensive remarks towards another member and a mod author

Discriminating remarks towards another member, a mod author and a group of people






02 April 2020, 5:48 AM:

Just be aware - I mean, well obviously - everyone posting here is pretty much just an elitist f@&#!t who has no intention of helping anyone where they can just leave a snarky self-indulgent reply... like that f@&#!t *username* - fag could have just not posted at all.


A lot of bugs are in this mod because it is YEARS outdated, and nobody wants to update it where they can just act like a faggy little elitist, as I said already.

Good luck - because nobody here genuinely seems to care any more. The mod is dead, and the elite-o-fags have killed it.


02 April 2020, 5:52 AM:

People in the comments here are elitist f@&#!ts; obvious nobody cares about actually answering ANY questions in this thread, so I won't even bother with you narcissistic losers.

This mod is dead, and the elite-o-fags have killed it.


*username* comes off as the biggest elitist f@&#!t of all.






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• Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people.




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