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Hostile custom followers


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Ive recently discovered the spf console command and have been making a few followers for fun. The problem is, everytime I have made a follower they instantly become hostile upon zoning in. Not to me but every other npc is hostile towards them also, ive checked my past followers and they still function with identical specs. Any ideas or solutions?
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You may need to set their Aggression level in the AI Data tab to Aggressive rather than Very Aggressive or Frenzied. A few NPCs I made wouldn't leave my poor mannequins alone until I did that. Odd that you've got other followers with the same settings that don't have any problems.

Yeah, I went in and switched the aggression to a lower setting but it doesn't seem to help any. My older followers who I just created a week or so ago have a higher aggression setting than what I have the newer ones set to now. Wondering if it's maybe a bug, or if it's possible to remedy by manually switching their aggression in the console?

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