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Slightly Improve Vanilla 1st Person Animation


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So I've just tried the mod "The Joy of Perspective" (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6002) and I must say it's really awesome. But it completely screws up the aiming system plus you can see through your character body which are really annoying. So I have an idea: Instead of adding the first person body, could any one improve the vanilla 1st person animation? I think it's quite fine as it is (The attack animations are good enough I think). What I want is some change to make it a little more realistic,

- Running: Make the arms swing... harder(?) with your weapon/spell equipped when your character run/sprint. Would make it much better imo.

- Swimming: Why can't I see my arms when I swim? (Not sure if possible to implement it though)

- Idle: The default 1st person idle animation for greatswords appear unanimated. The same happens to blocking with shield too. (Not in top priority)

Since what i suggest are mostly about running animations so i think the work here is not that much (leave attack animations as they are and I don't need to see my body in 1st person view) but i'm not a modder so it might be wrong. I would be really grateful if somebody could do these things.


A vid in oblivion that show what i'm trying to say:



And English is not my native so please go easy if I've made any grammatical mistake :biggrin:

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