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Improved Waterfront Ships


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Just uploaded the new files a few moments ago. This update adds in the retextured Bloated Float to the Imperial City Waterfront, and the retextured Emma May to........well you'll have to follow the "Forlorn Watchman" quest to find it. Also updated the optional Visible When Distant package to include meshes and low-res textures for these two ships.


Improved Waterfront Ships overhauls all of the named ships in the vanilla game to give each a unique look. I was always displeased with the lack of shipping in Oblivion and feel this adds a lot of flavor to the game. Especially when used in conjunction with Better Cities and a texture replacer like Grumblepunks.


Many thanks to Nephenee13 for her help....both here and on another project. Couldn't have finished it without that one little piece.



Mod can be found here. Hope you all enjoy!

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Hi Vyper,


Glad to hear you liked them. :biggrin:

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