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I am looking for a sort of total beast race mod


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Hi I want to re-play Skyrim but this time I don't want to see any human or elf or similiar. I only want to see a lot of animal and beast races. I am okay with kajiit and argonian, it would be nice if i can see some sort of fox race, dog race, horse race, rat race, rabbit race, etc. I want to play a game where anthropomorphic animals are the protagonist. Something like Cat Quest 2, but with a lot of animals instead of only cats and dogs. Can you suggest me some mods to do it? Thanks a lot.
I can't find it by myself because there are billions of mods in the nexus and i feel a little bit confused.

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I have finally found two mods of this type:
"Furry Age of Skyrim" in Nexus site but it doesn't have much animal races variety

"Yiffy Age of Skyrim" in another website, it have a lot of new animal races but comes with a really weird NSFW settings. Why? Animals are most likely for child or childish people, they're cute.


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