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Enemy won't cross cell boundary


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How do you make npcs you're in combat with to follow you from exterior cells to interior cells?


This is what the creation kit website says: "Actors in combat with the player only follow the player through load doors that lead to the same encounter zone". This is called "Combat Boundary".


I've experimenting with this for days now and I can't get it to work for exterior cells.


I've got two adjacent interior cells with different encounter zones and enemies follow me between them if I check the "Disable Combat Boundary" box (in the settings for the encounter zones).


They follow me from these interior cells to exterior cells as well, but not the other way around, i.e. they won't follow me from exterior cells to my interior cells. It seems the

"Disable Combat Boundary" setting only works in one direction.


There is no Encounter Zone setting for exterior cells, so I presume they don't belong to any encounter zone?


So I tried to set the interior cells to the "NONE" encounter zone, but that didn't do it...

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