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CTD Near Rorikstead


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I've seen this problem here and there with others, but I haven't gotten any useful tips. I'm using the normal version of Skyrim

I play a relatively heavy modded Skyrim (lots of quest and improvement stuff). Whenever I go up to Rorikstead or fast travel to it or one of it's misc. locations (Atlas Map Markers) I end up CTD'ing. The first time I went there was fine, but when I tried to go back I got a CTD. Keep in mind, I wasn't super far into the game, I had finished Dragon Rising and was going around collecting modded gear when I saw this glitch.

To test it, I wiped all my saves and started over in Rorikstead using the Alternate Start mod. However, I experienced no CTD whatsoever. No from walking outside from the Inn where you start, fast traveling to Whiterun and back, or going back to Rorikstead manually from Whiterun. So I'm wondering if it might be quest related, this glitch.

On another note, I started my first character at a really high level (355). I didn't use mods to level up, I started out at the Alternate Start room, made my character and did my mod settings, then used console commands to level up. I wanted to save some perks for later, so I left them on standby. Basically I went through the vanilla start of the game with an extremely high level character, which is where I experienced the Rorikstead glitch. But after restarting with a level 1 character in Rorikstead, I had no CTD. So is this also a possibility since levels can trigger things within the game?

On one last note, I also used a mod called Hedge Mage Armor. It provided locations near Rorikstead and a quest that popped up once you got near Rorikstead. Rorikstead was fine when I was going to collect it, but when I came back some time later, I found it CTD'ing on me. I tried uninstalling the mod and making a new save with the high level character (was walking towards Rorikstead at the time), but that didn't work. Keep in mind I only had one clean save without the armor mod, the previous ones still used it. Could this mod have also been responsible?

Can someone please help me solve this mystery? I love Skyrim and its quests. I'm a die hard completionist and don't want to lose out on important stuff just because of this glitch. Below is a link to a google doc containing screenshots of the mods I have on mod organizer. Going through it I've realized I may need to update some of my mods, but I'd still like to know if it's any of the problems listed above or not. Also, the one titled 'Royal' is the Royal Armory - New Artifacts mod by Private Eye. I used to use it but it CTD'd Skuldafn. I don't have it installed and plan to use it later for the Dragonborn Gallery presentation later. And the one titled 'Xaylana' is just a custom companion mod I had someone make for me.


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