cbordi1 Posted April 3, 2020 Share Posted April 3, 2020 (edited) Hello everyone, so I recently remodded my Skyrim Special Edition and am having some trouble with the dust particles, the exact same problem that is shown in the before images in the Dust Effects mod linked here. (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2407) I have tried this mod without noticing a change, the No Floating Dust Particles Mod again without any changes noticed, also linked here. (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6745). I have tried ENB Particle Patch, which only altered the dust's render distance in a small portion of the screen. Lastly I went through my mod list and tried disabling mods I think my have altered dust particles and disabled them without success. Any help you could give me in either removing the dust entirely, or getting either of the two linked mods working would be greatly appreciated. Here is my mod list, and I am also using the Skyrim Re-Engaged ENB for Vivid weathers linked here (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1089?tab=files). 0 00 Skyrim.esm1 01 Update.esm2 02 Dawnguard.esm3 03 HearthFires.esm4 04 Dragonborn.esm5 05 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp6 06 BSAssets.esm7 07 BSHeartland.esm8 08 Forgotten DungeonsSSE.esm9 09 BS_DLC_patch.esp10 FE(000) HouseofHorrorsDivine.esl11 0A Campfire.esm12 0B Falskaar.esm13 0C Circlets and Masks with all Robes and Hoods.esp14 0D FloraRespawnFix.esp15 0E Reverb and Ambience Overhaul-Skyrim.esp16 0F Vivid WeathersSE.esp17 10 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp18 11 ELFX-Exteriors.esp19 12 Gildergreen Regrown.esp20 13 Immersive Sounds-Compendium.esp21 14 dD-Enhanced Blood Main.esp22 15 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp23 16 SimplyBiggerTreesSE.esp24 17 waterplants.esp25 18 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp26 19 Verdant-A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp27 1A Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp28 1B Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp29 1C Summermyst-Enchantments of Skyrim.esp30 FE(001) LootableWoodpiles.esp31 1D ProudspiremanorTNF.esp32 1E Cutting Room Floor.esp33 1F Book Covers Skyrim.esp34 20 Helgen Reborn.esp35 21 ELFX-NoPlayerHomes.esp36 22 Eli_Breezehome.esp37 23 MoreBanditCamps.esp38 24 Realistic Boat Bobbing.esp39 25 skyBirds_SSE.esp40 26 EBT-skyBirds Patch.esp41 27 OpulentThievesGuild.esp42 28 MoonAndStar_MAS.esp43 29 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp44 2A WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp45 2B Point The Way.esp46 2C Holidays.esp47 2D HarvestOverhaul_Redone.esp48 2E SkyrimSewers.esp49 2F Run For Your Lives.esp50 30 Cloaks.esp51 31 Inigo.esp52 32 ScopedBows.esp53 33 Bijin_AIO-SV 2018.esp54 34 Bijin Warmaidens.esp55 35 Bijin NPCs.esp56 36 Bijin Wives.esp57 37 Serana.esp58 38 DarkerNights.esp59 39 DarkerNights-BeyondSkyrimBruma.esp60 3A IcePenguinWorldMap.esp61 3B Companions Radiant Quests Requirement.esp62 3C Followers Don't Draw Weapons.esp63 3D UniqueBorderGates-All.esp64 3E Underwater_Treasure.esp65 3F Bring Out Your Dead.esp66 40 Immersive Patrols II.esp67 41 Frostfall.esp68 42 Crossroads Inn.esp69 43 quest_pitfighter.esp70 44 Rayeks_End_SSE_1.0.esp71 45 HiddenCity Treasures.esp72 46 notice board.esp73 47 ForgottenCity.esp74 48 Skyhaven Exterior Overhaul.esp75 49 ExpandedCarriageService.esp76 4A ajd_morthalghastlymine_sse_pc.esp77 4B ArgonianFins.esp78 4C BooksOfSkyrim.esp79 4D Cloaks-USSEP Patch.esp80 4E SolitudeTempleFrescoes.esp81 4F DragonBoneEbonsteel.esp82 50 HOR_SkyBirdsPatch.esp83 51 Beards.esp84 52 Brows.esp85 53 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp86 54 Improved Eyes Skyrim-Serana.esp87 55 Improved Eyes Skyrim-Vamp.esp88 56 Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp89 57 LeftHandRings-1stPersonView.esp90 58 LeftHandRings.esp91 59 NB-Scars.esp92 5A skyforgedShields.esp93 5B SolstheimLighthouseInterior.esp94 5C ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp95 5D ScopedBows_Arrow Tweaks.esp96 5E Volkihar Knight.esp97 5F 1nivWICCloaks.esp98 60 FaceMasksOfSkyrim.esp99 61 WhitePhialBetterAlignments.esp100 62 SolitudeTempleFrescoesSmall.esp101 63 SolitudeTempleFrescoesExpanded.esp102 64 SolitudeTempleFrescoesBig.esp103 65 skyforgedWeapons.esp104 66 ImprovedDaedricArtifacts.esp105 67 Daedric Dawnbreaker.esp106 68 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp107 69 HoldBorderBanners.esp108 6A moonpath.esp109 6B AK-Boethiah Alternate.esp110 6C JiubQuestMarkers.esp111 6D UnrelentingForce400%.esp112 6E TrueAurielBow.esp113 6F Unique Uniques.esp114 70 MorrowindImports.esp115 71 RichMerchantsSkyrim_x2.esp116 72 Runandwalkpaces.esp117 73 Move it Dammit-Less Wait Time and Follow Me Closer.esp118 74 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp119 75 Vivid Weathers SE-Bruma Patch.esp120 76 Vivid Weathers SE Falskaar.esp121 77 BetterTreasuryHouse.esp122 78 Ars Metallica.esp123 79 Cloaks-Dawnguard.esp124 7A Dr_Bandolier.esp125 7B EssentialDogs.esp126 7C Andromeda-Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp127 7D BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp128 7E Dawnguard Delayed-Level 30.esp129 7F Dragonbord Delayed-After Alduin's Bane.esp130 80 dD-Realistic Ragdoll Force-Realistic.esp131 81 WetandCold.esp132 82 Potions.esp133 83 Footprints.esp134 84 Vivid Weathers-Extended Rain.esp135 85 Vivid Weathers SE-Extended Snow.esp136 86 ELFX-NoHjerim.esp137 87 ELFX-NoBreezehome.esp138 88 ELFX-NoProudspireManor.esp139 89 RLO-ProdspireTNF.esp140 8A ELFX-NoHoneyside.esp141 8B ELFX-NoSeverinManor.esp142 8C ELFX-NoVlindrelHall.esp143 8D Imperious-Races of Skyrim.esp144 8E Ordinator-Perks of Skyrim.esp145 8F HOR_OrdinatorPatch.esp146 90 Immersive Citizens-AI Overhaul.esp147 91 Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp148 92 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp149 93 Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp150 94 Provincial Courier Service.esp151 95 Realistic AI Detection 2 SE Lite.esp152 96 ELFXEnhancer.esp153 97 Immersive Citizens-ELFXEnhancer patch.esp154 98 RealisticWaterTwo.esp155 FE(002) RealisticWaterTwo-Watercolor.esp156 FE(003) Realistic Water Two-Landscape For Grass Mods Patch.esp157 FE(004) RealisticWaterTwo-Beyond Skyrim Bruma.esp158 FE(005) RealisticWaterTwo-ELFX Enhancer Patch.esp159 FE(006) RealisticWaterTwo-Falskaar.esp160 99 RealisticWaterTwo-Waves-Falskaar.esp161 9A RWT Lod Fix.esp162 9B WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp163 9C Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp Another problem I am having is when I move slowly and am looking at something that is very dark/in shadow, I get a wierd checkerboard flickering across my screen. I don't notice it anywhere else, and I think it is unrelated to the previously stated problem. Again, any help you could provide would be great, thanks. Edited April 4, 2020 by cbordi1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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