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update VHH walk animation to work with XPMSSE 4.71


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So I've always been a fan of the VHH Walk animation from oldrim. Honestly I feel like that is the most natural looking walk out there. I only recently learned that the reason i was getting the "belly twist" bug with the newest version of XP32 was because of my refusing to let go of the old animation. I don't understand the specifics but in the install selection for XP32 they specifically mention it.


Is there anyone willing or able to not just convert the VHH animation over to SE (already did that) but fix it so that it works with the newest skeleton without the belly twist?



Im also open to any alternatives but most I've tried have either unnatural animation in the arm swings or exaggerated hip sway.


edit: turns out the belly twist was more because of 360 movement mod and not VHH https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33139

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