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A thought for a race mod


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First off i'm a lurker with no skills in modding , but anyway.


I have an Idea for a new race not really lore friendly, but anyway.

The idea is for a cheetah like were-cat race (with a spell to switch between forms(Idea came from reading to many Gold Digger comics) with a total of 3 forms(if possible) 1st human form 2nd hybrid form 3rd animal form, hybrid forms face looking more or les like the human forms with only the addition of cat ears fur and basicly the rest up to you. the animal and human form spel should just be a lesser power (for traveling) where as the change to hybrid is a greater power and lasting only for half a game day. if anyone wants to take up this challenge it would be greatly appreciated.


and thanks in advance to the person or persons who try to make it.


PS. I'll be disappearing into the shadows again not likely to return to these forums for a couple of weeks or I might depends later.


PSS. hybrid and animal forms should have a night eye spell since cats can see into the infra red spectrum I hear


PSSS. srry for posting this in the wrong spot

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