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Texture Help


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I wanted to start off saying my texture is white. I'm currently working on a mod that has some custom textures. I know how to build a diffuse, normal and specular map however I appear to have problems with it in the game. When I plop it into my test world to take a look at it, in the shadows it looks great however in direct sunlight I can't see any details of the texture, it's just pure glowing white. I even have the specular map set really dark and I still get blindlingly white results. When I remove the spec map it still is blindingly white. My textures are white but I want to be able to see the textures in direct sun light. Thanks a bunch. I've attached the files to the textures if anyone wants to take a look at it. It's basically just a tiling texture.





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What the two previous posters said. I once had extreme in-game specularity while doing green plant textures. Playing with specular and environment maps didn't help at all. Darkening the diffuse map solved my problem. Don't know how that would work with whitte textures though :/
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