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Urgent Help Needed! As many people as possible


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I am doing a BTEC Media Course for years 10 and 11 and I've been given Homework to do over the week/weekend from the 12th of December to 18th of December and need help from anyone who's played Skyrim and has experience in it! And I need You to fill in 4 questions giving as much detail as possible. Only takes a minute or two, Thanks! (Do not answer on the 18th of December or After)


1). What was the most Fun level out of the whole game-play that comes to mind and Why?


2). What was the Hardest level out of the whole game-play that comes to mind and Why?


3). Do you have any Favourite Quotes and Why is it your favourite?


4). What do you think makes people keep coming back to Elder Scrolls; what's unique about the Gameplay and Why?

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1. Leading a group of blades on what amounts to a section attack against a group of Forsworn at Karthspire.


2. Fighting that damned boss in Meridia's quest.


3. Pretty much anything that comes out the mouth of a certain deranged Telvanni wizard. The guy is like the hammiest, most over-blown pantomime villain you can imagine. He's brilliant.


4. The gameplay isn't why people come back, not really. It's the setting.

Edited by Tundrastrider
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1: I'm running UNB with the Goddess lighting mod, and was in a necromancer infested crypt/excavation east of the hot-springs. I enter a large burial chamber, full of coiling grey-brown mist that makes it so i can't see more than a few feet, and a disembodied voice says something about "Revenge for my husband". I hear footsteps, and then, shambling out of the mist, with barely enough time to notch an arrow, three Draugr Deathlords. The lighting changes really make it memorable, but the scene was something out of a movie.


Vanilla, however, it was infiltrating the Mages tower in Markarth while doing the Theives Guild quest for the Falmer translation. I made an effort not to kill anything unless it was by activating traps, and through a combination of Muffle, Throw Voice, and a whole lot of luck, i made it in, and out, without being spotted once. First quest in many a TES game where i actually FELT like a theif.


2. I would have to agree, the necromancer at the end of the Meridia dungeon was a right bugger. Confined spaces with all those frost spells... not a fun time. The 3 Gauldurson brothers were a right pain too, mostly because of teleporting and having to be on the receiving end of 3rd level Unrelenting Force.


3. In Skyrim? J'Zargo. I dunno... maybe it's just the 3rd person, maybe its how "oops, ah well, live and learn" he seems after the scrolls quest, they that guy is the Cat!


4. I think the massive range of character custimization intrinsic to the Elder Scrolls is one reason. Unlike with D&D, Star Wars, WoW or other similar games, in TES games you aren't bound by the start-up choices you make, and it's the choices as you play which define your character. That said, the world is one of the best developed fictional universes out there, and that is certianly a draw as well.

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1). What was the most Fun level out of the whole game-play that comes to mind and Why?

I'm sorry, I don't think in terms of levels in open ended RPG's. I can tell you what my favorite quest so far has been. It was the Forbidden Legend Questline. I rather liked it because it was the first time in a very long time that my characters really felt like they were exploring and digging up clues to a mystery that had astounded scholars for years. There was that one moment where we overtook the camp of an adventurer who'd kind of gotten there a bit a head of us (and paid the price) though that was a bit of a let down but not unexpected since it was their clues that we were following.


2). What was the Hardest level out of the whole game-play that comes to mind and Why? Can't say I've come to any quest that was too hard yet.


3). Do you have any Favourite Quotes and Why is it your favourite? Nope. Not in Vanilla Skyrim, no.


4). What do you think makes people keep coming back to Elder Scrolls; what's unique about the Gameplay and Why? I've been playing TES since Morrowind. I fell in love with it before I even got off the boat. Literally. Even though the game was so buggy it took me months to be able to create my first character - and when I did, I was killed by a slaughterfish before I even got out of Seydra Neen, 3x's :ohdear:


It's always been a very breath taking, immersive experience (even back in Mw's day) and I've always been very caught up in the ability to roleplay as a female character (not enough games allow that) and have a unique experience for every single one of my characters with just a little work. It's the reason I still play Mw to this day. It's the reason I can't honestly see ever not playing Mw.


It was something horribly lacking in Oblivion however, I found that to be a very pretty but rather depthless game and I could never keep a character very long after I created them. Though it did give me the opportunity to make many pure eyecandy male characters, which was a refreshing change to my usual roleplay driven play style, allowing me to really explore what I find attractive in men both physically and mentally, in the end I felt that I came out ahead even if I can't say I loved that game.


Skyrim is a throwback to Mw for me in a lot of ways in that I (and my characters) really can enjoy living there. It's less faction oriented then Mw (remember Mw had several warring houses and guilds and religious groups and governments) and not really as alien and intriguing in it's landscape but it does tend to suck you in when you least expect it.


More than anything, I love the ability to mod my games. Making each of them unique to my play style so that each and every one of them fits me and my characters like a bespoke glove ;D


I look forward to the next TES game. To modding it, exploring it, enjoying it and hating it in varying measures and I hope this gives you a bit of what you needed for school :thumbsup:

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1. I had a lot of fun with Skyrim so far, but... I'd say the most fun thing to do is to reach a ceasefire with the Stormcloaks ans the Empire for thje Main Quest. You can't please anybody, no matter how you do it someone is always bitching about as you leave.


2. Can't say specifically what quest or area was the hardest, but when i was playing for the first time, at level 3 i ventured into a falmer cave thinking i was all that. I got my clock cleaned bad.


3. when the guards say "Let me guess. someone stole your sweetroll" in that mocking tone, however if someone had taken their sweetroll, i know it wouldn't be funny to them.


4. Skyrim and the TES games as a whole provide various ways to do things, have a massive world to explore and make it where each time you play something different happens to make it a unique experience, compared to doing the same things on replayed levels on call of duty

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