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Is there a mod that diversifies weight bodies?


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I got a cbbe body mod for females that has a drastic difference in weights. going from very skinny, to really thick.

Though ingame most the female npcs carry on the very thick weight side. Is there a mod where it gives some variety in the weights to the female npcs, so not every npc will have the tig ol bitties?

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BOSSE will do it. Under the MCM >> NPCs Body heading, there are checkboxes that allow randomization of NPC body weight (and other proportions)


tbh, I've never used the feature, so I can't say exactly what or how well it does, from an "experience" basis though.


There are probably others.

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BOSSE will do it. Under the MCM >> NPCs Body heading, there are checkboxes that allow randomization of NPC body weight (and other proportions)


tbh, I've never used the feature, so I can't say exactly what or how well it does, from an "experience" basis though.


There are probably others.


Thanks I'll check it out, seems thats exactly what Im looking for.

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