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Outcast coloured armour.


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I was wondering if anybody could make the Rivet City armour and Combat Armour (Mk2 too which isn't vanilla) with the Red & Black of the Outcasts? I'd really appreciate it- and I don't mean replace, but make a new model. :)



Edit: Mod was made, thanks to the great flamenx01 ! http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/18621/

Edited by Squeecky
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've started working on it and here's the combat armor so far:




I still need to add the outcast logo to it but I have also made the female version.


Do you also want me to make a helmet aswell? Also would you be able to link me to the mk2 combat armor mod?

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  • 2 weeks later...

f*** yes that looks amazing. I couldn't find the MK2 Armour, I think it's in FWE.



Edit: It doesn't replace the original does it? Also, with the Brotherhood Of Steel Diversion mod it adds Initiates etc in Combat armour, there is also a Brotherhood of Steel Outcast Diversion mod that I also own, do you think it could be possible to make some of the people that spawn wear it? If not no problem! I got SCC, I can equip them myself. :) Thank you so much.



Edit2: I've looked ingame alittle, and I know I'm asking a lot- but that's all it is, a question. :) Is it possible to make the Enclave officer into an Outcast version? As I create my own world I lack Officers in bases, and possibly though least nessesary a Scientist outfit? Not the Outcast Scribe/Specialist Robes,but like Doctor Li's outfit in Outcast colours/black'n red?



Edit3: I know you've done work on it, but not sure if this may help or not for an example or so - The Vault 1 guards have great looking combat armour already in black. http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/3644/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D3644 This one.

Edited by Squeecky
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It's stand alone so it doesn't replace anything. If you were to link me to the Brotherhood of Steel Outcast Diversion mod I would be able to add them (I can't seem to find it)


It is possible to turn an enclave officer to an outcast officer in GECK I think you only need to change what faction they are counted as. The scientist outfit would probably be easy to retexture in black and red.


Here's the link to the outcast combat armor encase you want to add it in game your self.



I've only included meshes and texture there is no ESP file

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It's stand alone so it doesn't replace anything. If you were to link me to the Brotherhood of Steel Outcast Diversion mod I would be able to add them (I can't seem to find it)


It is possible to turn an enclave officer to an outcast officer in GECK I think you only need to change what faction they are counted as. The scientist outfit would probably be easy to retexture in black and red.


Here's the link to the outcast combat armor encase you want to add it in game your self.



I've only included meshes and texture there is no ESP file


How can there be only meshes and textures if it replaces nothing? Sorry- I'm really bad with all of this :) And I'll give you a link so you can add it (that way it can save an ESP I think, as I'm always dangerous on the limit of having too many!) http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/7558/?tab=3&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fuser%3D0%26id%3D7558



I meant the Enclave Officer armour to be retextured, not just given to an NPC. As I usually spawn and take clothing myself, though I imagine it'd be abit harder. The best for all of this would ofcourse be a sort of Spawner mod that allows me to have an item that spawns the Combat Armour, Officer uniform and scientist robes ofcourse- If you are interested. I'd truly appreciate it and if I can return the favor somehow, feel free to let me know!

Edited by Squeecky
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