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Custom Wearable Lantern


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Hello Nexus. For a while, I've loved using the Wearable Lanterns mod developed by Chesko, found here; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17416/


Recently, I played Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time again, and a feature in that game reminded me of that mod. In Zelda, you can catch fairies and ghosts in a bottle. Seeing as how the Wearable Lanterns mod did something like that, I went and tried to make my own bottled critter, specifically "maginvdetectlife.nif" for that ghostly purple flame effect. Seeing as how practically every other mod that I wanted to mix up worked this way, I simply dragged the nif for Detect Life into the nif for the Torchbug Lantern. When saving, I got the error "Link points to wrong block type."


Now, I'm stupid. I don't know much about nifskope, never did. Is there a simple way to do what I'm trying to do?

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