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Lighting problem after installing ENB


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Hello, i'm having a weird lighting problem after installing a ENB, i even deleted the enb and am still having this problem.

I'm also running claralux and climates of tamriel(i even uninstalled those to test and it still happened.)


Basically i load into the game and the lighting is fine, then i go into a new cell(exterior or interior) and the lighting is like this:



Then i wait a hour and the lighting turns to the correct lighting:



I don't know what to do next! Help! this is very annoying!

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Do you ever alt+tab out of Skyrim? The game has an issue with post processing effects sometimes getting locked if you alt+tab out and back in. I've never seen it with lighting, but I suppose it's a possibility.
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Do you ever alt+tab out of Skyrim? The game has an issue with post processing effects sometimes getting locked if you alt+tab out and back in. I've never seen it with lighting, but I suppose it's a possibility.

I haven't Alt tabbed since i installed that ENB.

I started a new save for testing and it still does it, so its not a save problem.

Edited by NorthernIv
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It seems to be a weather issue now that i look at it more, when i'm outside and wait a hour the weather completely changes.

It happens whenever i change cells...


Completely uninstalled claralux and climates of tamriel and waited 24 hours ingame and it still happens! I'm stumped.

Edited by NorthernIv
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