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Xenius Character Enhancement Troubleshooting


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Hey all, I haven't modded in a long time and am just getting back into it but a little rusty so I am looking for some guidance. My first mod I installed was the Skyrim HD 2k Textures installed via Nexus Mod Manager which was easy enough. 2nd mod is giving me a little trouble. Xenius Character Enhancement http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2356. I scrolled through the comments and read something about the following steps below may not be required anymore. Regardless, I did try it and still nothing. However I didn't understand the 1st step because there is no .esp files to disable. So maybe that is the problem right there. Anyways, looking for any feedback to help me get this mod working from anyone who is familiar with it. I appreciate it.


Step-by-step guide on how to get texture replacements working with the official texture pack.


1. Disable the two .esp files HighResTexturePack01.esp and HighResTexturePack02.esp

2. Go to the Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder and open Skyrim.ini

3. Find the [Archive] section in the .ini file

4. Add the following two entries: HighResTexturePack01.bsa, HighResTexturePack02.bsa

5. Your .ini should look like this

6. Now you should be able to use texture replacements as usual


The normal maps are located in a separate folder, you will only need them if you're not using the official texture pack.

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I'm assuming you don't have Bethesda's Official High Res Texture Pack installed, hence there's no .esp plugins to remove...


What exactly is the issue you're having with XCE?

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