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Trouble after Reinstalling Skyrim (NMM)


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Ok. so im a total noob at this so ill just explain what i did.


1. In steam, i had skyrim installed, but decided that reinstalling it would help fix the broken scripts for quests. Note: this was in my F: Drive (my game drive).

I then deleted my local content thing and redownloaded the game to my C: Drive.


2.After this i ran the game launcher and my steam workshop mods were working and downloading again just fine.


3.I then proceeded to reinstall my SKSE and ENBs.


4. but here is the damn problem. i get to the nexus mod manager, update it, and open skyrim with SKSE. it starts up fine, until i get in game and get the worst possible FPS rate you could ever get. I then proceed to find out that my nexus mods are indeed not in my new skyrim, but somewhere else (God knows).


5. i go into nexus mod manager settings, go into skyrim and the directory is C:\NEW STEAM\SteamApps\common\Skyrim. So i go ok. But WHY is the mods not being applyed to my game? and the install info and mod directory is in My old F: drive, so i change them to C:\NEW STEAM\SteamApps\common\Skyrim.


Please help.

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