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Weird Bug with Water causing fade to black. (not textures or enb)

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Wonder if anyone can help me. Has anyone ever seen the issue with water where randomly when walking/sprinting in water there will be a loud splash/explosion effect in the water and then shortly after the screen will fade to black for a short period of time before returning to normal. The effect can happen repeatedly or sometimes not at all for a while. However if i fight something in the rivers of Zion for instance this will intensify to the point of either crashing or repeated fades to black. You can see it in this clip towards the end especially. https://streamable.com/m1s1ke

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Sounds like you are being knocked unconscious. No idea by what. (Don't recall encountering anything like it in the base DLC.)


Are you playing "hardcore" and low on a necessity like sleep or food?


Do you have any ZION specific mods or general overhauls that affect the DLCs installed? A "load order" is usually helpful.



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