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[LE] blanket move with creature

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Hey :)


I created a blanket for a creature (cow-like). Now it should move with the animations of the creature.

It should move like an armor.


I tested some things like copy over bone weights in outfit studio from other parts of the create but that only deformed the blanket.


If I create empty NiSkinInstance (or a BSDismemberSkinInstance doesn't really matter), NiSkinData and NiSkinPartition but then the blanket disappears.



Can someone help me with that?

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I have never used outfit studio nor do i know what it is or how it works, i only use 3d max.

What i can tell you though is that you can not create an empty NiSkinInstance or a BSDismemberSkinInstance, those are actually the ones that holdes the meshes info of where and how to move according always to the skeleton they sit on.

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I don't mean to sound like an A**, but you do realize that this is kind of hard to explain and write in a post.

Your best bet is to find a video tutorial, it will be way more helpful than to confusing you even further.

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