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Far Cry

change capacity of wallet and other cratfting items


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Hi guys!

I totally give up. I spent all day for that, still doesn't work xF

So, let get start:


I download Swartz mod, added fast loot etc....everything works fine. But im trying to change capacitys of wallet, lootbag and other.

Unpacked by duna libery, generated blablabla

So i opened generic>craftingrecipe>(for expl.) wallets and edited

<field name="sItemSize" type="String">10000</field>


<field name="sItemSize" type="String">30000</field>


Save> go back to generic> use duna for pack craftingrecipe.xml > so duna make new file> rename it to .lib

>go back to patch > packed by duna so i have 2 files .dat and .fat puted to win_32 in game folder and...

After I loaded game, Everything looks like work in main menu in upper right corner i can see <actual money>/30000 but when i open store - i see standard (no modded) capacity.

Same are with other crafted things.


So did i forgot edit something? Game read files correctly but cant use it like in game.

Srsly i spent all day trying to fix it up, searched a looot of forums and other sites - nothing... any tutorial how to do somethin...

Plz someone help...


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