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Can't load saves above level 1


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Stopped playing Skyrim for about a month everything worked perfectly. Started playing again and now can't load any saved game that is above level 1. Have started over 6 times and have made frequent saves, but only the saves at level 1 will load, otherwise CTD.


Windows 10 had an upgrade between the time when Skyrim ran perfectly and when I recently started playing again. My game had been stable for almost a year and no new mods were added after started playing again.


This may seem to be save bloat but my initial saves are 11 mb and subsequent saves are 12 mb. Used Fallrim on my saves but there was nothing to clean.


Currently use 219 mods, but have run as many as 254 without experiencing this problem in the past.


Any help will be appreciated.

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I do not know if this will help as I had a different problem. The only thing the same is it cropped up after the Win10 update.


I solved my problem by downloading and installing ENBoost. I believe it was the d3d9.dll which solved my problem, which was not loading textures in Whiterun.


If you do not have ENBoost installed you might give it a try and see if that makes a difference. If you have not used ENBoost before I would advise you to go to the pinned topic at the top of the Steam Skyrim forum page called "Helpful Links and References" by smr1957 and scroll down to "ENB 101- Under the wrapper" by Avrie.


I do not know if this will help but if you do not have ENBoost installed it is worth a shot.

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