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Adrianne brown head


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Hello all,


Adrianne has a brown head. Last thing (i think) i did in MO2 was changing the load order: smim after that skyland and after that flora overhaul. Does not seem logical that this is the cause.


However: there is something with SMIM I think related to BD'armor and clothes replacer. When I switched SMIM off, Adrianne had her modded bijin face again.

I went to Markath to check upon smith Ghorza, since she wears in my setup the same leather apron as Adrianne. She had no brown head.


I think there is something going on with the mod order but I cannot seem to find out what. I did try to put the load order of the involved mods the same as the involved plugins (.esp) but that does not seem te work. Or might there be another problem I do not know off ?


Help is appreciated.







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Is it my perception or does no one reallly want to answer when a question about the infamous grey/black/brown faces is asked?.....

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