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Number Signs


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Hi guys!


I'm looking for someone who would help me with a "situation" in my mod.

I recently began to work on a new funmod. you open a gate, fall deep into a dungeon with 100 floors.

the goal of course is to reach the surface. there will be lots of enemies, and probably a lot of puzzles to solve as well.


what i need are signs, which I can put on a wall or wherever, indicating which floor the player currently is on.

So i would need about 100 different signs, labelled "floor 1" (or "level 1") to "floor 100" ("level 100" respectively).

These signs wouldn't need to look good in any way. in fact just a plain simple square with the writing on it would totally suffice.


The thing is, I made my first experiences with the CK and released my first mods, but I have no idea how to import such a simple idea into skyrim.

I assume that (apart from probably a lot of copy&paste) it would be an easy job for someone who's experienced.


I hope somebody is kind enough to help me out with this :thumbsup:

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You're asking for a lot of kindness there friend :/


How about you start small at like 20? Maybe that would get more attention from modders. And no, I don't do textures. Just giving my 2 cents is all. Great idea though! Sounds like fun :)

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