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Obscenely Dark Screenshots and Faulty shadows


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Two small issues that annoy me to no ends, one involving a mod (I think).


First issue is that my screenshots come out with about 20% darker contrast. sharper shadows, more obvious changes in gradient, and just...ugly screenshots. It's not my game settings, ENB settings (The Wilds retro ENB), and my graphic card (GTX 550 Ti) is on default settings since installing it. What is changing my contrast, and how do I fix it? It's also rampant in ANY screenshot I take, such as the forum being literally black on dark grey, rather than two greys.


Second issue is that my character's shadows are funky. I use the Ashen race, and the screenshots all show beautiful, soft skinned girls. My characters? Eyes are dark, can only see my pupils, and shadows are jagged, even with Ultra settings. What causes this, and how do I fix it? This was my ENB, it looks fine in brighter areas.

Edited by Campaigner
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