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NV Crashing on Startup.


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This is a generic problem. WMX is incompatible with something in my load order. Not sure what though. I've heard there is a program that will tell you what mods in your load order are causing problems with eachother. What program is this? And will said program work for Fallout 3 as well as TES games or only NV?
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This is a generic problem. WMX is incompatible with something in my load order. Not sure what though. I've heard there is a program that will tell you what mods in your load order are causing problems with eachother. What program is this? And will said program work for Fallout 3 as well as TES games or only NV?


The program is called FNVEdit. Just load all your mods you have active then right click anyone of 'em and click "create merge patch". That should fix it. Also, are you sure it's not your load order too? Check if your mods need any requirements you haven't fulfilled.


FNVEdit: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/34703


More info on FNVEdit:

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