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[Tutorial] Texture Modding


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Are you using Unreal Engine 4.21?

Are you sure you copied all UnrealPak files on step 4.1?


Oh yeah, it was because I was using UnrealPak files from de 4.25

I already did it but I only can sculp the form of the hero_rig_face_LOD0, but not the hero_rig_face_LOD1 or hero_rig_face_LOD2

Do you know what I can do?

Thanks for the explication btw

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I already did it but I only can sculp the form of the hero_rig_face_LOD0, but not the hero_rig_face_LOD1 or hero_rig_face_LOD2

Do you know what I can do?


What prevents you from sculpting LOD1 and LOD2?

It's a tediously annoying process, but each LOD gotta be reshaped separately. LOD0 is used in the pause menu, LOD1 is used in-game and I wouldn't even bother with LOD2, haven't seen it used anywhere.

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Are you using Unreal Engine 4.21?

Are you sure you copied all UnrealPak files on step 4.1?


Oh yeah, it was because I was using UnrealPak files from de 4.25

I already did it but I only can sculp the form of the hero_rig_face_LOD0, but not the hero_rig_face_LOD1 or hero_rig_face_LOD2

Do you know what I can do?

Thanks for the explication btw


I already fix it, don't know how but I did.

Now I got a problem with the textures, UnrealEngine doesn't create the files uasset files

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