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Skyrim challenging combat?


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Grettings everyone

It has been almost a year since i last played Skyrim and that means its time again. Most of Skyrim's content has been forgoten except one thing -- the shallow, borring

and easy combat. Skyrim is great as a whole package but some of its aspects lack any real challenge. It doesn't matter if its a fight against dragons ( we were promised

epic battles ) or simply clearing a fort of evildoers, again this should be kinda epic if u think about it - 1 man alone storming a fort full of bandits and winning, the battles

are always the same. Most of the time spamming left mouse button and moving sideways of the enemy is enough to win. Combat was the only thing in Skyrim that i

didn't enjoy much simply because it was borring. So this time around i decided to spice it up a bit with mods. The thing is i never actullay used mods so i need a bit of advice here. I did some research on the subject and i found some candidates and would like to hear your thoughts about these mods. As stated i am looking for more challenging combat ( better ai maybe? ) and i would like to add as much complexity and challenge to the battles ( hardcore ) as possible. Here are the mods i found:

1) Deadly combat 2) Asis 3) Pise 4) Erso 5) Ace 6) Duel 7) Duke Patricks Archery And Heavy Weapons Combat .


What do you guys think which of these ( maybe using more that 1? ) will give me what i am looking for?

Thx in advance for your advice

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Thx for the reply. I dont know about skyre. It isnt just a combat altering mod but an overhaul. I personaly dont like that. Can duel be combined with any other mod i listed?

I have read that deadly combat and ace work well together. I will give it a try.

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Well usually it would be enough for me too, but ever since i played dark souls on my pc things have changed. Now i am looking for real challenge, something vanila skyrim is lacking even on master. I will try deadly combat + ace + master difficulty and see how it goes.
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Oh thats what u meant. I dont know should i use it though. There is already a mod that increases spawns for me called ASIS. I primarely use it to give enemy mages access to more spell ( apokalypse spell package ) and thus make them even deadlier :) . They could conflict since they alter similar things.
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