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Changing how Bloody Mess works


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I want to edit the Bloody Mess effect so that it stops the random dismemberment while also keeping the gory torso explosions. Why? Because watching the same all-limbs-severed kill animation gets old fast, whereas turning your enemies into a red mist never does. I realise you can use player.setav bloodymess -1 to turn off the effect but this disables torso explosions.


Here's what I've tried:

  • Editing BodyPartData values in the GECK but this is a global variable and has nothing to do with Bloody Mess, so any changes affect everything
  • Using FNVEdit to change iCombatDismemberPartChance and iCombatExplodePartChance to zero but these also affect everyone and disable gore completely
  • Changing iMessCrippledLimbExplodeBonus, iMessIntactLimbDismemberChance and iMessIntactLimbExplodeBonus to zero but these options seem to have no effect on the game at all.

I'm hoping there's someone out there who can help point me in the right direction. Nobody seems to have made a mod like this before and I'm not sure how many people still read these boards, but this is my last attempt at trying to make this mod before I give up. Thanks.

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