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"They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard" quest?


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So I had this idea quite a long time ago, and today, as I was re-watching the trilogy, I began thinking... ^_^


Why not a quest where in Skyrim, let's say... when you get out of Whiterun and by the stabled, an NPC, this would be Legolas, would come up to you and it would quote the phrase from the movie "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!", maybe even from the actual movie, not having to be a male actor voice over... and then when the player would say "What?", he starts walking as a follow-up and the player would receive a new quest which would be "Save the hobbits", something like that... the whole quest could be like the movie, or simply save some little people from a difficult cave. I'm opened to ideas to whoever is interested in making this.


What do you guys think?

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