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Changing the color of the laser rifle


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Does anyone know how to change the color of the laser rifle into blue or even green?


Do you mean the rifle, or the beam?


If the beam, you can just change the laser rifle projectile from BeamLaserProjectile to BeamLaserGreenProjectile.

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Does anyone know how to change the color of the laser rifle into blue or even green?


Do you mean the rifle, or the beam?


If the beam, you can just change the laser rifle projectile from BeamLaserProjectile to BeamLaserGreenProjectile.


What about a blue beam?

Yes, I'm talking about the beam.

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That would be more difficult. Unfortunately, projectiles can't be easily retextured. You'd have to rip the model apart in NifSkope, find the texture you wanted, recolour it, and then build a new model for your blue beam in NifSkope again.
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That would be more difficult. Unfortunately, projectiles can't be easily retextured. You'd have to rip the model apart in NifSkope, find the texture you wanted, recolour it, and then build a new model for your blue beam in NifSkope again.


Ah shoot me please.


At least I get one of out two right?

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It's not really that hard to change the color of a laser beam.


You need to unpack testlaserbeamsteady.nif. Change it's name or location so that it is not located at the same place as the original testlaserbeamsteady.nif. Open it with Nifskope and alter all the values listed under "vertex colors":

from this


to this


To change the color from red to blue I just switched the red and blue values with each other. For example:

R:1.000 G:0.624 B:0.424 A:1.000


R:0.424 G:0.624 B:1.000 A:1.000


Do the same thing for LaserRifleMuzzleFlash.NIF and ImpactEnergyBase01.NIF and ImpactEnergyRedFlesh01.NIF. Except with them you must also alter "Emissive color" under NiTriStrips>NiMaterialProperty.



Start the GECK

Open BeamLaserProjectile. Change its ID to BlueBeamLaserProjectile. Change the art file to your new testlaserbeamsteady.nif, the Muzzle flash to your new LaserRifleMuzzleFlash.NIF and the light to MuzzleLaserBlue300. Click OK and yes on "create a new form".


Open EnergyImpactRed. Change its ID to BlueEnergyImpact. Change its impact NIF to your new ImpactEnergyBase01.NIF. Click OK and yes on "create a new form".


Open EnergyImpactFleshRed. Change its ID to BlueEnergyImpactFlesh. Change its impact NIF to your new ImpactEnergyRedFlesh01.NIF. Click OK and yes on "create a new form".


Open EnergyImpactDataSet. Change its ID to BlueEnergyImpactDataSet. Delete all the entries and right click on them, select new and select BlueEnergyImpact except on organic which you set to BlueEnergyImpactFlesh and cloth and water which you leave blank. Click OK and yes on "create a new form".


Open WeapLaserRifle. Change its ID to BlueWeapLaserRifle. Change its Crit Effect to aliendisintegrationfxspell. Open its art and sound tab and change its projectile to BlueBeamLaserProjectile and its impact Data Set to BlueEnergyImpactDataSet. Click OK and yes on "create a new form".



Okay, maybe it is a little difficult :sweat: , but you should now have a laser rifle that shoots blue beams.


(I didn't bother to alter the muzzle flash or the impact data so therefore they are still red in the picture, but if you follow the instructions they should also be blue.)

Edited by TheNeglected
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