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New Dragon Model Request


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Reference: http://i.imgur.com/7ANRu.jpg



Gol Dragon is the first boss of "Phantasy Star Online 2 : Episode 2", and I recently had the honor of playing my old PSO disk on Gamecube earlier, hence why I remembered this monstrosity.


My request is as such; a model edit of a Gol Dragon. The image is a bit rough and the video quality is pretty bad, but it's incredibly hard to find a decent image of Gol Dragon. Here's a summary;


- Neck is comprised of five spines on each side, longest at the side of the head and shortest near the base of the neck

- Head is shorter than an average dragon

- Eyes in place of a normal dragon's nose

- Head has two small horns just above and behind the eyes, and long antennae-horns near the first spines.

- Lower jaw is longer than upper jaw, and has a short, straight horn.

- Shoulders have long fin-like protrusions. Think sharks, but slender

- Knuckles of the wing (the part it walks with) have two claws, as well as two reverse direction claws coming out of the top.

- webbing is incredibly torn.

- Tail has an anchor shape with fins inside

- Slender body


If someone made this, that would be incredibly amazing of them.

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