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Can someone please do a realistic black smithing mesh mod? (because Bethesda f***ed up the forgest bad! at least for people who do real blacksmith


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Can someone please do a realistic black smithing mesh mod?


Seriously no blacksmith would ever use a forge that large! it would use mountains of coal and be impossible to approach and only one blacksmith is known to use firesalts so that is no excuse!





note how small a portion of this forge is actually on fire? well that is because you want to conserve coal... you also want the forge to heat the coal around turning it into coke which burns hotter and cleaner on top of that you wanna mash it up into a mound so the oxygen get used up before it reaches to work piece or you would have an oxidizing flame which would create scales and then you have to brush that of and it would be a big problem when forge welding.



Additionally i think Markarth could actually get away with having some sort of dewmer designed gas forge that would have been really nice... but i guess this is what you get with art team that know jackshit about black smiting...



Also another question that bothers me is where is all this coal coming from?! i don't think we see any coal mines and really you cant use a furnace to make charcoal unless its specifically made for that... and the furnaces really look kinda questionable to in the game


anyway the historical method of charcoal manufacture used until the turn of the century where charcoal piles




these where built in forest close to where they would get the wood then maned by people usually living in some kind of hut close by...


this would also create a good source of NPC dialog as people may talk about someone who accidentally fell into one while tending it burning to death (that did happen on occasion with the bigger piles)



anyway if there are any moders out there with modeling skills please try making a realistic blacksmithing mod like this to correct this horrific mistake by Bethesda.


A HD reskin wont cut it! (sadly i only do engineering type 3d modeling for 3d printing so not my wheelhouse sadly)

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