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Simplest mod ever, possibly?


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I've had this problem for a very, very, very long time.


It can be best described as an animation issue that is attributed ONLY to walking. As long as I have walking toggled on this issue will occur while swimming and walking. However, strangely when I am overencumbered the issue does not come up and I walk normally.



When walking (Not running at all), any sort of turning, (in all 8 directions) animations are instantaneous, meaning my character doesn't turn from forward-right to forward-left, but instead skips the turning animation and instantly turns and walks in the forward left direction. Instantly.


For example, if I hold W, release W for a split second, and THEN press any other sort of direction such as D, executes the turning animation.

But, if I hold down W and then add in any other button, the turning just skips instantly.

Strangely, this problem does not appear when I am over encumbered.



I have tried installing victoria's high heel walk and the catwalk mod intending to fix this, however it only fixed the forward to backwards turn.

For those who have not tried Victora's HHW or the similar catwalk mod, instead of your character backing up when pressing D, your character will actually turn around and walk towards the camera.





I have even tried extracting someone else's meshes.bsa into my animations and 1stperson folder that included stuff like the turning files.





It's been around for six months, or shortly after I got mods for Skyrim.



I'm really.. ugh annoyed.


I think it can only be solved just with the simplest mod ever, I think it would just be copy pasting someone's turning animations into some sort of mod.





EDIT: Pfft! I uninstall skyrim and the problem is still there!!!!

Edited by CookieSalesman
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You didn't remove "Animations" folder.


It's inside skyrim/data/meshes/actors/character


It doesn't get removed if you don't COMPLETELY uninstall skyrim.

which means you'd need to remove the "skyrim" folder as well, which you didn't probably do this time.


Anyway, sorry for slow reply.

Been in Mojave for last couple of days. It was pretty nice trip. Learned couple of things about good RPG's.

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  • 1 month later...

I noticed the same problem, animations are missing when you are walking, but are not missing in case of over encumbrance. In my eyes, really, this is the most annoying bug in the game. I prefer 3rd person and I just want to walk through the cities slowly... Make way for the bad guy ! But it looks just crappy. I saw some mod presentation videos here and there on the net, noticed that they have the same animation bug, without saying a word about it. Searched so long, but there is just no mod, that fixes this problem

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<p>No instructions at least? no hints or tips? there must be a way to get the same walk animations (that should already be there by the way) to work, that are used, when you are over encumbered.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>And I´m a bit suprised that there is such a liitle response to this issue</p>

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<p>EDIT: If there is anyone who knows about that bug, and has enough knowledge and skill to say ' sorry dude.. there is no way to fix this, believe me'  I would very appreciate that to read it  :R</p>

Edited by farzt
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