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Bloodline quest-glitch help please


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After i rescue Serana from the crypt and bring her to her families castle, it all goes fine until after the gatekeeper lets me in. After i enter the castle the vampires start attacking me and serana on sight. Ive tried going from new saves, traveling around then returning, sleeping, ive also tried uninstalling any mods that might interfere with it along with deleting the .ini files in my skyrim folder. but nothing seems to work. any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!! note: this is before Harkon gives me the option to become a vampire lord.
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After i rescue Serana from the crypt and bring her to her families castle, it all goes fine until after the gatekeeper lets me in. After i enter the castle the vampires start attacking me and serana on sight. Ive tried going from new saves, traveling around then returning, sleeping, ive also tried uninstalling any mods that might interfere with it along with deleting the .ini files in my skyrim folder. but nothing seems to work. any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!! note: this is before Harkon gives me the option to become a vampire lord.


i had something similar to this, do you have the player head tracking mod, cerwiden, or some odd mod that adds a constant effect ability or spell? it might be a combination of such mods or just one mod that is acting oddly right now.

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