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Randomly Occuring Darkness Glitch


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Hello there,


I've recently been compiling a list of mods that make oblivion pretty and more functional for myself. I have ironed out most of the glitches but the solution to one evades me. I have tried disabling all the mods and adding them one by one but it is still not obvious. I am almost certain however that it is to do with OBGE (v3) but I would rather not get rid of it as it really enhances the game.


Here are some screenshots of my problem:


What it should look like all of the time:



What it looks like (about 25% of the time - it seems to occur not quite randomly but for example when entering combat; leading me to believe it is to do with the interaction between DR and OBGE):





A Video of the problem will be up in a bit here:




Thanks in advance for any leads you might have,



Edited by rookwood101
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Have you tried the game without OBGE active? Did this happen after adding OBGE? I'm not an expert with this issue but I also have OBGE active in my game too and I have never seen this before. Is your OBGE the recent release from OBGE project site: http://code.google.com/p/oblivion-graphics-extender/downloads/list
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I have discovered the problem! After reinstalling the OBGE modules gradually I realised that it was to do with the LHDR module. I then realised that I needed to turn on HDR in the oblivion settings after which it worked!
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