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Fortify Enchanting Potion Not Working


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I have searched for over an hour and can't find any answer to this.


I have 100 in Alchemy and Enchanting with every perk in them.


Without potions I made a 4 piece set of Fortify Alchemy 25% for a total of 100%


Then I made a Fortify Enchanting potion which worked as it went from 15% base to 30%.


Now when I use the potion and go to enchant, none of my enchants have changed. I have looked at % enchants as well as true number enchants like carry weight and nothing has changed at all.


When I open the enchanting menu I go straight to the enchant and see that it hasn't changed from base without a potion and then back out and check my potion timer and see that its still running, so I know I am NOT running out of time.


It just seems no matter what enchant it is the Fortify Enchanting potion is having zero effect when even at 30%. I should of seen at least carry weight go up 1 point or something.



Much help appreciated.

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