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Modding Player Character Walk Speed


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I'm looking into modding the player character's walk speed for Oldrim on PC, and I'm not having much luck searching online. I have found that the console commands for altering player speed are a bit of a tricky solution, and the less fiddling about with the console in-game, the better. I haven't used the Creation Kit before, but I'm perfectly happy with having to learn how to use it if it is necessary to achieve my goal.


Basically, I just want to alter the player character's walk speed to be faster than the default (probably in line with what Skyrim Speeds offers), but I don't want this to alter their run or sprint speed, or for it to alter the walk or run speeds of NPCs. I just mentioned Skyrim Speeds, which I did try years ago (I've been away from Skyrim for about 5-6 years now). As the mod author advised, I avoided using it before the Helgen cart ride because it could mess up the scripted sequence. It did its job just fine after that, but I didn't exactly play that much of Skyrim. And it has now occurred to me that it still has the potential to impact other scenes with scripted dialogue throughout the game (possibly cutting dialogue short as the next part of the sequence is triggered earlier by NPCs reaching their destination sooner), something I wish to avoid.


So...is there a way to modify the player character to walk faster, but not make them run or sprint faster, and also without altering the movement speeds of NPCs? Also, can this be applied to an in-progress play-through, without restarting? I don't mind if it's a constant magic effect, whatever gets the job done - I like walking everywhere, it feels far less rushed.


Many thanks.

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