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Power Armor Ability -- IR / UV sight?


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> edit < Sorry if this was misunderstood, As this forum thread is for "Discusion of Mods" i assumed that the concept would trickle down. I am simply asking if the concept is possable and if it a direction I might look in doing it.


what I wanted to know is

1 Is there a sudo IR/UV function

2 Is there a way to multi toggle

3 Is it possable to add a light source to anything other then the PiP Boy


> end edit <


I really do not know if there is a way to do this now or even if it will be possible with the CS however I will never know if I don't ask.


If you look at the Helm there are a couple emitters there so one would assume that one is a Light and the other an Alternate Light Emitter, IR UV or something. It would be really strange for a government to commission such armor without giving a thought to enhancing the wearer's vision.


I want to add logical Item changes not just random enhancements to the game and this seems to be a glaring point of need. I would think that this just be added to the Powered gear and not on any of the other gear.


On the Power Helm consider one of the emitters a normal light emitter, and second IR or some alternate sight enhancement. Is there a way to add an enhanced light to the gear that say enhances the PiP-Flash by 50% or so and there mechanics in the game to give an IR or UV (no X-Ray Vision that's a but much though) to the armor and then a means to toggle through the 3. IE.. toggle 1 PiP-Flash, toggle 2 Helm Light and toggle 3 Enhanced Light, be it IR UV or whatever.


My thoughts, I have not seen anyone ask about this so what the heck.

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It would be really strange for a government to commission such armor without giving a thought to enhancing the wearer's vision.


You have obviously NEVER dealt with any government contract designs before, lol.


There's an old saying I heard that goes "An elephant is just a mouse built to government specifications" - it is painfully true in so many cases.


And in so many others, they build mice to an elephant's specifications.


The clearest example of that in my mind that folks may have heard of was the huge fuss about the issued Interceptor armor vs The Dragonskin armor that was available in the private sector.

Thankfully that got enough BS shaken loose that the newer Interceptor IOTV vest is on the way and other improvements have been made, but its just not as good at stopping bullets as Dragonskin, but Dragonskin is heavy as hell compared to the interceptor armor.



But that all being said, I'd like to see a spotlight or something on the side of the Power Armor helmets, but there really isn't anything dark enough in FO3 to make any UV or IR nightvision useful.

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But that all being said, I'd like to see a spotlight or something on the side of the Power Armor helmets, but there really isn't anything dark enough in FO3 to make any UV or IR nightvision useful.


As to the usfullness of the IR/UV idea, it is by far more realistic then tapping the VATS key constantly. Heat sources stand out in IR.

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You have obviously NEVER dealt with any government contract designs before, lol.


There's an old saying I heard that goes "An elephant is just a mouse built to government specifications" - it is painfully true in so many cases.


And in so many others, they build mice to an elephant's specifications.

Also known as "Good enough for Government work" and "Your equipment was built by the lowest bidder."


My question being: how does one make IR or UV useful in FO3 that would warrant such a change? While neat to see (and probably possible, look at the

purple "flashbacks" in that Vault of which I don't currently remember the Number

) you would have to give bodies a value that would make these items handy. Unless you're just looking for a neat alternate viewpoint, I would think you would have to modify how far one could see others in dark situations, give them heat values for IR (how much heat they produce and how far it can be seen), some sort of reflectivity value for UV (how far away they'd reflect your UV light source) and other such things. Come to think of it, you'd have to code these values for everything including buildings and items that can be picked up. Lots and lots and lots of work with tons and tons of niggling details. :wallbash:


Then again, you could just make it color the ambient visible light (what we see now) a different color (like the Pipboy UI) and call it "UV" or "IR" and go from there. Maybe you can script it to increase the gamma settings while in the "Night Vision" mode. Could work... :thumbsup:

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