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Mod Request: British ENG Tweeks


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Hi guys!


For those who aren't aware, in the UK we use quite a lot of different vocabulary to refer to certain things.


If anyone has the know-how, i'd really appreciate it if one of you fantastic modders could do a few tweeks to the text in-game to change a few US English terms to British English terms. You could see it as a kind of translation task.

The changes would be as follows and are in order of importance.


Change all references of:

  • 'fall' (the season not the verb) to - 'autumn'
  • 'eggplant' to - 'aubergine'
  • 'jelly' to - 'jam'
  • 'zucchini' to - 'courgette' (I noticed an NPC mention a zucchini smoothie or something).

This would involve changes to the UI, item names and NPC scripts. I don't know how big a project it would be but there could also be other references I haven't noticed that could also be changed such as 'cellphone/cell' to - 'mobile phone/mobile' if they appear.


To anyone who would care to take this on, I would be so grateful. Please consider it!

Edited by makizmo
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