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Problem with some mods working, and others not.


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I'm having issues with some mods not working. I'm currently running the immersive weapon and armor mods, crimson tide, duel combat, SPERG, alternate start, realistic needs and disease, also, dance of death


The only mods that seem to be working properly are Duel combat and crimson tide, as well as alternate start. I ran the BOSS program to find conflicts but it says everything is working fine. Anybody have an idea as to why I'm having problems with the rest of the mods?

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I dont know but the best start will be to disable the mods that are working and reinstaling the ones that dont and then seeing if they work now - if they do then add more mods - if the dont look in the mod help files. Edited by majistik
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I dont know but the best start will be to disable the mods that are working and reinstaling the ones that dont and then seeing if they work now - if they do then add more mods - if the dont look in the mod help files.


Assuming you're using SKSE.


Open Wrye Bash and look for any red or orange items.


Generate a batched patch, both IA and IW have leveled lists within.

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