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Non-Jumpscare Horror mod?


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There are mods that make NPCs stalk you, which I think is a step in the right direction, but I think the approach that many people have towards the horror genre is a bit guided towards jumpscares. I think that Horror mods should not necessarily be about getting you to jump scared but also they should make the game creepy. For example, Why not make a mod that gives the Sole Survivor hallucinations? I think that would be a great way to set the mood for the game. Maybe in FO4 we can see things in the mirror that are not supposed to be there or we sometimes see clowns in the distance.


Another thing I think should be used in a horror mod is a cult. There is a mod on the Nexus that adds a cult to the game but that seems to be a dungeon. I would like to see a cult with a backstory. Maybe the cult is hunting the SS and they show up to settlements uninvitied. That would be terrifying and I would love it. Or maybe the cult will summon a Lovecraft or Junji Ito inspired monster. If there was a huge eye in the sky that would put a curse on you if it saw you and kill all your settlers, that would earn an endorsement from me.


I think horror mods should add a High School environment to Fallout4. There is already a Hospital and an Asylum, but I think a High School would be the scariest setting for horror. I find it a bit strange that there isn't a High School in Vanilla FO4 but I guess it may have been a gameplay choice.


Summoning and Eldritch creatures would also be a good choice of horror. The mod Children of Ug-Qualoth was a good experience but I want something that will make the whole commonwealth a scary place with people hunting you down and other scary stuff happening. I want to really wonder if my character has gone insane. A dungeon mod can't really do that. Maybe a mod that replaces the enemies of Fo4 with eldritch beings?


Does anyone agree with the idea of a psychological horror mod? Not one where you enter a dungeon and come out but rather are driven insane by knowledge you can't handle and begin to see tall faceless men in your settlements.

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Frost has hallucinations, but it doesn't seem to be updated in a long time.

Have you tried Grim or Whispering Hills? Search for those mods on google. They are not hosted here. There is also a mod called Skalkers (or something) by SKK its generally raiders that stalk and hunt you, but you could use other types of enemy if you can edit a mod.

Edited by SystematicBreakdown
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Frost has hallucinations, but it doesn't seem to be updated in a long time.


Have you tried Grim or Whispering Hills? Search for those mods on google. They are not hosted here. There is also a mod called Skalkers (or something) by SKK its generally raiders that stalk and hunt you, but you could use other types of enemy if you can edit a mod.



I use a mod called "No place is safe, Hunted encounters." I like that mod because it's unpredictable and it truly gives the commonwealth a feeling of lawlessness. It's not as advanced in customization as the stalkers SKK mod but it sends random things after you.

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