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Disintegrate Locks?


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I know that there have been mods that allow Lock Bashing (thank you modders!), but is there one that allows you to use Disintegrate spells on locks?


(Of course, Lightning or Fire spells should be able to blow/burn down doors and locks, too.)


If someone knows, I'd appreciate it!

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By disintegrate I assume you mean that once the spell is used then that door/chest is NEVER relocked? Once a door/chest is respawned (or an NPC locks it) then the lock is reset. If that's what you mean, then no there's nothing like that to my knowledge. It would also be rather hard to make since it would be completely incompatible with mods that add new doors/locks unless a patch is released for every one.
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I think s/he might be referring to the actual Disintegrate spell, which destroys weapons and armor. The idea of the lock-bash mods is for characters who lack the stealth based training to pick locks. If you're trained to use a giant weapon then you should be able to break down locked door.

You may be having trouble locating a magical version of the lock-bash mod because the game already has unlock spells for characters who rather train in magicka than stealth.


If you really just want a disintegrate spell that will unlock doors, you can combine the two effects at an alter.

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Thanks for the replies - yes, I am looking to use the Disintegrate spell to damage doors and locked containers magically (like we can do to armor & weapons) much like the Lock Bash works for low/limited spell-casters. I know we have the Unlock spells, but those are in Alteration. I'm looking to use the Destruction line of magic (which my character is stronger in at this point).
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