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Issue Relating to NMM and Vortex


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I am currently trying to port all my Oldrim mods from NMM to Vortex. The first issue was that Vortex couldn't find my NMM directory, even after I told it where it was in the settings. This was no problem because I just opened the folder containing my mods and dragged and dropped. Now the issue is that my NMM gets stuck loading. This has happened before with Fallout 4, and I solved it by just allowing it time to sit and load for about 20-30 minutes. With Oldrim however, I let it sit all night and it didn't even budge. The problem with this is that I cannot go in and stop NMM from managing my mods so that Vortex can take over. I believe this is what's causing my game to crash before I can even load a save. So my question is this: If I uninstall NMM via the "Uninstall A Program" in Windows, will that cause the game to not be managed by NMM anymore? Then allowing Vortex to take over? Or will I have to find a work around to get it so I can actually use NMM to disable the mods?

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